Mother's Day - Grower's Choice
The traditional foliage season for most European grown foliages runs from August/September up to March/April. Once the temperatures start to rise, the sap will begin to flow and the surge of new growth becomes too soft to harvest.
As growers we are constantly searching for varieties that have a different growth pattern or looking at ways of pruning the crop differently to extend the season or bring it forward.
Every year also gives different climatic challenges that have to be dealt with. This year gave us a very mild winter in Ireland with little or no cold weather but we have had over 250% of our normal rainfall since Christmas!
With this in mind I thought it would be useful to put together a list of the foliages that are at their absolute best now for the madness of Mother’s Day.
All of our foliage is graded to length and is ideal (and fast) for use in handties but can also be easily costed if cut up for arrangement work.
Euc Parvifolia 90cm
The longer 90cm stems have about 3 times as much foliage on them as the standard 60cm. With only a little price difference between the two grades I would highly recommend ‘pimping up’ your Euc to the 90cm length and putting aside the lots of side branches that are perfect for arrangement work.
Flowering Heather
This has grown really well this year and we will be offering chunky stems that are 60cm in length and full of pink flowers. Like all heathers, the vase life on this is more like a flower than a foliage so order it just as you need it. It really gives a point of difference to florist bouquets.
We have moved to a new laurel field which has lots of heavy, branched stems. For those of you looking for a chunky filler to add weight and volume to a bouquet I would really recommend this. It lasts for weeks as well which is a great bonus.
Sussex Silver
This grey foliage is as tough as old boots. The colour and texture work fantastically well with the traditional pink Mother’s Day flower range.Sussex Silver
Euc Coccifera
A new product we have just launched. Full stems from a new crop with lots of fill and texture
Eucalyptus Coccifera
We have had a tough time over the last 8 weeks with our Blue Euc and Rosemary crops. Both have found the wet weather a bit tough and we will only have limited volumes available until the summer crops kick back in around early July.
New customers:
Please try our mixed boxes which offer a little of everything we feel is seasonally good.